I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I understand why people are demanding proof that Bin Laden is dead. Hesitant to release photos for fear of retaliation, the Obama administration thought it best he serve as fish bait, but an ‘un-ceremonious burial at sea’ doesn’t cut it for most. After all, the government hasn’t been so forthcoming in the past about the ever-elusive WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction), or the questionable details regarding the 9-11 attacks, or even the JFK files (which resembles the art of a two-year old with a black Sharpie). Whatever the case, faith in our government is slowly deteriorating. What then becomes of us?
Thomas Jefferson once said that those with power in the best forms of government slowly pervert that power into tyranny. I, for one, can see us trending in that direction. Pretty soon the government will be in the business of disposing of dissidents, even within its own borders, for the sake of the greater good, that is, whatever they deem as good.
You may gasp at the idea that our government would purposely harm or even kill its own citizens, but it’s not as far-fetched as you think.
Machiavelli, the 16th century writer and philosopher, put forth the idea that the prince (or in this case, the government) should instigate something of a rebellion that he may squelch it. Why? By suppressing the rebellion, the prince would make himself even greater in the eyes of the people.
But the U.S. would never do that, you say! We’re five hundred years removed and much more civilized.
Are we? What about Operation Northwoods, a proposal by people in our government to carry out terrorist attacks on U.S. cities in order to justify a war with Cuba. Though never put into action, at least not then, the thought that the DOD (Department of Defense) and the Joint Chief of Staffs would consider such a heinous act against its own to pin on Cuba is terrifying. That was 1962!
And we haven’t fared any better since.
Obama’s recommendation of Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General in 2009 was just as disturbing, if not worse. Gupta advocates, as does Bill Gates, vaccination population control for third world countries. Gupta providentially withdrew his name from consideration, but who would nominate such a person in the first place? You say the Surgeon General doesn’t legislate law- I agree- but he does influence legislation.
Sitting in a training class about ten years ago we somehow got on the topic of abortion. Most in the class believed it was morally wrong. Then I had to bring up partial-birth abortions. After describing the horrific process for Annette, her countenance changed. Looking at me with disgust and with a mocking tone she said, “You’re one of those people who believe everything you read and all those rumors that go around.”
Wait…what happened here. I’m the bad guy? Has she been hiding under a rock? She’s always quite blissful.
Annette was a pro-lifer and the thought of such atrocity should have disgusted her, but her disgust was aimed at me; shame on me for thinking something so un-American, so un-Christian. Annette’s government would never let that happen. Or would it? Or did it? Yes it did, and yes they do.
I do not place my faith in men. They will always fail me. My faith rests in God alone who inclines the heart of men. Scripture declares, “the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things” (Jer. 17:9). No wonder men lose faith in their government.
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